XMap of Vista Adult School

High School Program

Are you interested in obtaining your high school diploma, or passing a High School Equivalency Exam (ex. GED or HiSET)? Are you looking to improve your basic academic skills in order to advance in your career, find new employment or achieve personal growth? If so, Vista Adult School’s High School Program will help you accomplish your goals. Classes are offered in the morning and evening; as well as through an online independent study option.

High School Program

To enroll in the High School Program, students must be at least 18 years of age and attend a mandatory orientation.  It is important to bring a copy of your most recent transcripts with you to orientation.

HSD Program orientations and classes are held at the VAS Sunset Campus. Space in orientations is limited; we recommend you arrive at least one hour prior to the start time.  please report to the office to begin orientation process.

Contact the front office (760) 758-7122 for information regarding student orientation for high school diploma, high school equivalence exam prep (HiSET/GED) and Spanish HSEE prep.

High School Diploma Requirements

A diploma for high school graduation is awarded upon completion of the following requirements. A minimum completion of a 5 credit class at the Adult School is required.

170 Credits

  • English - 40 credits
  • Math - 30 credits
  • US History - 10 credits
  • Government/Economics - 10 credits
  • Fine Art - 10 credits
  • Life/Physical Science - 20 credits
  • World History - 10 credits
  • Electives - 35 credits
  • Senior Project - 5 credits

These are the minimum course requirements as identified by the Vista Unified School District for graduation.  Successful completion of each course is required to receive a diploma.

High School Equivalency Exams

Vista Adult School is a testing center for two California approved High School Equivalency (HSE) Exams - the GED and the HiSET. A HSE exam is for adults who do not have a high school diploma. Those who pass the exam will receive a California High School Equivalency Certificate. Anyone 18 years of age or older, or 17 under certain circumstances, is eligible to take a HSE exam. CA residency and acceptable ID is required to take the exam. Be sure the name you register for the exam with matches the name on your ID. In addition to being a testing center, Vista Adult School can help to prepare you to pass these HSE exams. To enroll, attend a High School Program orientation.


We are a Pearson Vue authorized testing center and offer the GED exam via computer. To sign up for the GED you must first register through www.GED.com; all registration, scheduling and payments is done through the GED website. The GED exam consists of four parts: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science and Social Studies. More information can be found at the www.ged.com website.


The State of California has approved the HiSET exam, which is an alternative to the GED. To sign up you must first register through www.hiset.org; all registration, scheduling and payment is done through the HiSET website. The exam consists of five parts: Language Arts Reading, Language Arts Writing, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. More information can be found at the www.hiset.org website. VAS does not offer the HiSET exam on site.

Important!  CAHSEE has been suspended.

Due to recent State Legislature changes, the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) has been suspended until further notice. That means passing the CAHSEE is no longer required to earn a diploma. The new law also states that beginning in January 2016 students who completed all graduation requirements, except for passage of the CAHSEE, may be issued their high school diploma from the school they last attended. If you did not pass CAHSEE while in high school, and were also in need of more credits, now is the time to come back to school to earn your diploma. A high school diploma will improve your chances or getting a job and qualify you for higher paying jobs. Vista Adult School will help get you on track to your diploma. We are affordable, friendly and close to home. Call or come to an orientation to learn more.

Curso de Preparación en Español Educación General a Nivel
Preparatoria/GED /Hiset:

El programa de Educación General a nivel preparatoria provee las destrezas necesarias en preparación de las diferentes materias generales equivalentes a nivel bachillerato/ preparatoria y pasar la prueba de equivalencia. Además de su tiempo en clase, usted necesitara estudiar fuera de clase con el fin de maximizar su tiempo de preparación.

REQUISITOS: Ser mayores de edad (18 años o más), haber terminado la secundaria, asistir a una orientación de evaluación en lectura y comprensión para asesorar su candidatura de entrada al programa.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to questions we are frequently asked about our high school programs. If you have additional questions, please contact us.

Q. What is the difference between a high school diploma and a high school equivalency exam (GED/HiSET)?

  • A. Most employers will accept either, but some employers look more favorably on a high school diploma, as it shows them time and effort have been committed to attend and complete classes. Many students are closer to their High School Diploma then they think. Our HSD Coordinator can assist you with deciding on which option is best for you at orientation.  You may also change your goal once enrolled in our program.

Q. How long will it take me to get my high school diploma?

  • A. The program is self-paced which means each student is in control of how quickly they complete their goal. For the diploma, it depends on the number of credits you need, how often you attend class and how quickly you turn in your work.

Q. How do I get started?

  • A. You must first attend a High School Diploma orientation. Our orientation schedule allows students to start throughout the school year.

Q. I work full time and don't have time to attend classes. Are there any options for me?

  • A. Classes are available both morning and evening. We also offer an Independent Study option for students seeking credit towards their High School Diploma.

Q. I'm not good at reading or math. Will I still be able to get a diploma?

  • A. We offer a Prep class that helps students to improve their English Language Arts and Math skills. Students take this class to prepare to transfer to the High School Diploma Program, or to simply improve their basic academic skills for their careers or personal growth.

Q. I never attended high school.  Can I still earn a diploma?

  • A. Yes. We make an Individual Graduation Plan for each student that will lead them to their goal of a High School Diploma or prepare them to pass the high school equivalency exam (GED/HiSET). Remember, it is not where you start but where you end that matters.

Q. What if I just need to pass the California High School Exit Exam?

  • A. Due to recent State Legislature changes, the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) has been suspended for the next two years. That means passing the CAHSEE is no longer required to earn a diploma (through July 2018). The new law also states that beginning in January 2016 students who completed all graduation requirements, except for passage of the CAHSEE, may be issued their high school diploma from the school they last attended. If you did not pass CAHSEE while in high school, and were also in need of more credits, now is the time to come back to school to earn your diploma.

Q. It's been a long time since I was in school. How will I get my records?

  • A. All schools keep all student records indefinitely. You can contact the last school you attend to request a copy of your transcript or we will help you order your transcripts and can have them sent directly to our school.  

Q. Is it too late for me to go back to school and get my diploma or take the high school equivalency exam (GED/HiSET)?

  • A. It's never too late. Students in our program are from all age groups and all can be successful.  Our teachers will provide you with the assistance you need to achieve your goal.

​Q. How much does this cost?

  • A. There is no cost to attend our High School Program classes.

Q. How long will Vista Adult School keep my transcripts?

  • A.  Any credit earned at Vista Adult School will be kept indefinitely. However, transcripts collected from others schools will only be kept for one year. If you are not a continuous student after one year, your transcripts from other schools will be destroyed.

Student Record Request

  • Please click on the button below to download the Student Record Request Form. Please complete the form, print, sign and bring to Sunset Campus Office; Or fax to 760-631-6380 or mail to 510 Sunset Drive Vista CA 92081.
  • There is a $5.00 processing fee, per official transcript/certificate requested, due at time of processing. No fee for unofficial transcripts, attendance verification or enrollment letters. Requests take up to 3-5 business days to process. We will call you when your document has been processed; you must have valid ID to request & pick up documents.
Debbie R.

Debbie R.

I am currently working on obtaining my GED and taking prep classes with Vista Adult School. The teacher has been very helpful with instruction and other ways of helping. My classmates are very friendly and encouraging among each other.